Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: January 2020
Generated 01-Feb-2020 00:06 W. Europe Standard Time

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2020
Total Hits 104485
Total Files 71276
Total Pages 101939
Total Visits 8387
Total KBytes 1665978
Total Unique Sites 4514
Total Unique URLs 182
Total Unique Referrers 2111
Total Unique User Agents 502
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 140 8289
Hits per Day 3370 11165
Files per Day 2299 10017
Pages per Day 3288 11117
Visits per Day 270 846
KBytes per Day 53741 168927
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 1
Code 200 - OK 71276
Code 206 - Partial Content 16
Code 302 - Found 16
Code 304 - Not Modified 465
Code 400 - Bad Request 20
Code 403 - Forbidden 496
Code 404 - Not Found 32168
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 2
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 25

Daily usage for January 2020

Daily Statistics for January 2020
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1799 1.72% 570 0.80% 1589 1.56% 82 0.98% 98 2.17% 26489 1.59%
2 2745 2.63% 1326 1.86% 2436 2.39% 118 1.41% 93 2.06% 29420 1.77%
3 2558 2.45% 1392 1.95% 2495 2.45% 174 2.07% 100 2.22% 43015 2.58%
4 10412 9.97% 9239 12.96% 10325 10.13% 136 1.62% 116 2.57% 39746 2.39%
5 3156 3.02% 1956 2.74% 3100 3.04% 846 10.09% 578 12.80% 131553 7.90%
6 2680 2.56% 1482 2.08% 2609 2.56% 583 6.95% 610 13.51% 38228 2.29%
7 2690 2.57% 1503 2.11% 2584 2.53% 165 1.97% 161 3.57% 30230 1.81%
8 2557 2.45% 1386 1.94% 2435 2.39% 121 1.44% 115 2.55% 25277 1.52%
9 2390 2.29% 1154 1.62% 2298 2.25% 104 1.24% 107 2.37% 24324 1.46%
10 2119 2.03% 910 1.28% 2051 2.01% 111 1.32% 101 2.24% 31697 1.90%
11 2610 2.50% 1413 1.98% 2519 2.47% 140 1.67% 90 1.99% 37637 2.26%
12 2697 2.58% 1450 2.03% 2545 2.50% 95 1.13% 81 1.79% 31149 1.87%
13 1818 1.74% 663 0.93% 1751 1.72% 169 2.02% 95 2.10% 34447 2.07%
14 1601 1.53% 433 0.61% 1498 1.47% 151 1.80% 94 2.08% 29196 1.75%
15 2060 1.97% 881 1.24% 1991 1.95% 255 3.04% 206 4.56% 45500 2.73%
16 1968 1.88% 797 1.12% 1903 1.87% 288 3.43% 222 4.92% 54566 3.28%
17 2011 1.92% 888 1.25% 1922 1.89% 209 2.49% 125 2.77% 48954 2.94%
18 1801 1.72% 1018 1.43% 1694 1.66% 356 4.24% 255 5.65% 63830 3.83%
19 769 0.74% 704 0.99% 711 0.70% 214 2.55% 211 4.67% 44349 2.66%
20 5034 4.82% 4350 6.10% 4989 4.89% 231 2.75% 187 4.14% 49981 3.00%
21 1254 1.20% 805 1.13% 1211 1.19% 203 2.42% 171 3.79% 48503 2.91%
22 5139 4.92% 4651 6.53% 5089 4.99% 150 1.79% 147 3.26% 40724 2.44%
23 1846 1.77% 769 1.08% 1811 1.78% 173 2.06% 171 3.79% 42135 2.53%
24 3725 3.57% 2604 3.65% 3663 3.59% 486 5.79% 472 10.46% 58052 3.48%
25 1650 1.58% 594 0.83% 1611 1.58% 110 1.31% 91 2.02% 31427 1.89%
26 11165 10.69% 10017 14.05% 11117 10.91% 830 9.90% 808 17.90% 114255 6.86%
27 2177 2.08% 1043 1.46% 2117 2.08% 121 1.44% 85 1.88% 72190 4.33%
28 7940 7.60% 6772 9.50% 7891 7.74% 837 9.98% 788 17.46% 168927 10.14%
29 2307 2.21% 1199 1.68% 2256 2.21% 115 1.37% 73 1.62% 89345 5.36%
30 1798 1.72% 687 0.96% 1753 1.72% 97 1.16% 65 1.44% 30681 1.84%
31 10009 9.58% 8620 12.09% 9975 9.79% 786 9.37% 775 17.17% 110149 6.61%

Hourly usage for January 2020

Hourly Statistics for January 2020
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 80 2498 2.39% 30 956 1.34% 72 2260 2.22% 1905 59064 3.55%
1 87 2724 2.61% 40 1254 1.76% 82 2561 2.51% 1803 55902 3.36%
2 456 14161 13.55% 405 12555 17.61% 455 14127 13.86% 4596 142472 8.55%
3 74 2298 2.20% 30 954 1.34% 73 2274 2.23% 1746 54137 3.25%
4 74 2316 2.22% 32 993 1.39% 73 2278 2.23% 1854 57464 3.45%
5 151 4709 4.51% 107 3344 4.69% 149 4645 4.56% 1945 60298 3.62%
6 138 4292 4.11% 94 2931 4.11% 132 4117 4.04% 2015 62479 3.75%
7 120 3734 3.57% 74 2319 3.25% 117 3654 3.58% 1961 60779 3.65%
8 166 5174 4.95% 123 3825 5.37% 165 5130 5.03% 1897 58808 3.53%
9 87 2717 2.60% 45 1397 1.96% 85 2661 2.61% 1874 58088 3.49%
10 147 4565 4.37% 103 3222 4.52% 144 4474 4.39% 2607 80816 4.85%
11 92 2870 2.75% 49 1526 2.14% 88 2748 2.70% 1927 59744 3.59%
12 86 2680 2.56% 43 1351 1.90% 83 2597 2.55% 1858 57583 3.46%
13 93 2887 2.76% 48 1492 2.09% 88 2740 2.69% 1944 60259 3.62%
14 212 6598 6.31% 169 5254 7.37% 210 6516 6.39% 2209 68484 4.11%
15 95 2969 2.84% 51 1597 2.24% 93 2883 2.83% 2196 68062 4.09%
16 118 3679 3.52% 75 2337 3.28% 114 3563 3.50% 2458 76204 4.57%
17 164 5092 4.87% 121 3779 5.30% 161 4993 4.90% 2031 62946 3.78%
18 312 9692 9.28% 266 8252 11.58% 308 9548 9.37% 3694 114518 6.87%
19 86 2682 2.57% 42 1326 1.86% 82 2557 2.51% 1778 55112 3.31%
20 262 8122 7.77% 216 6722 9.43% 258 8025 7.87% 3652 113201 6.79%
21 93 2888 2.76% 49 1532 2.15% 88 2756 2.70% 1961 60800 3.65%
22 85 2660 2.55% 42 1305 1.83% 80 2509 2.46% 2024 62756 3.77%
23 79 2478 2.37% 33 1053 1.48% 74 2323 2.28% 1807 56002 3.36%

Top 30 of 182 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 34650 33.16% 23408 1.41% /
2 21913 20.97% 226220 13.58% /webalizer/default.html
3 5426 5.19% 675197 40.53% /webalizer/usage_201903.html
4 1818 1.74% 227449 13.65% /webalizer/usage_201909.html
5 1679 1.61% 206069 12.37% /webalizer/usage_201902.html
6 1287 1.23% 159846 9.59% /webalizer/usage_201808.html
7 549 0.53% 1790 0.11% /Includefiles/opslaan.asp
8 426 0.41% 47905 2.88% /webalizer/usage_201912.html
9 148 0.14% 70 0.00% /Frontoffice/rand.html
10 140 0.13% 1670 0.10% /Frontoffice/contact.asp
11 123 0.12% 77 0.00% /index2.html
12 119 0.11% 157 0.01% /CSS/main.css
13 119 0.11% 78 0.00% /Frontoffice/onder.html
14 117 0.11% 213 0.01% /Frontoffice/main.html
15 117 0.11% 447 0.03% /Frontoffice/wijnen2.asp
16 115 0.11% 141 0.01% /Frontoffice/boven.html
17 107 0.10% 3068 0.18% /Frontoffice/kleuren.asp
18 95 0.09% 41 0.00% /CSS/randen2.css
19 85 0.08% 68 0.00% /CSS/randen.css
20 82 0.08% 50 0.00% /CSS/onder.css
21 74 0.07% 9250 0.56% /webalizer/usage_201905.html
22 73 0.07% 56 0.00% /frontoffice/wijnen4.asp
23 72 0.07% 206 0.01% /frontoffice/wijnen2.asp
24 70 0.07% 254 0.02% /Frontoffice/captcha.asp
25 69 0.07% 177 0.01% /Frontoffice/wijn.html
26 56 0.05% 162 0.01% /Frontoffice/wijnen.asp
27 56 0.05% 162 0.01% /frontoffice/wijnen.asp
28 55 0.05% 6869 0.41% /webalizer/usage_201907.html
29 48 0.05% 5710 0.34% /webalizer/usage_201904.html
30 45 0.04% 302 0.02% /Frontoffice/acties.asp

Top 10 of 182 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5426 5.19% 675197 40.53% /webalizer/usage_201903.html
2 1818 1.74% 227449 13.65% /webalizer/usage_201909.html
3 21913 20.97% 226220 13.58% /webalizer/default.html
4 1679 1.61% 206069 12.37% /webalizer/usage_201902.html
5 1287 1.23% 159846 9.59% /webalizer/usage_201808.html
6 426 0.41% 47905 2.88% /webalizer/usage_201912.html
7 34650 33.16% 23408 1.41% /
8 74 0.07% 9250 0.56% /webalizer/usage_201905.html
9 55 0.05% 6869 0.41% /webalizer/usage_201907.html
10 48 0.05% 5710 0.34% /webalizer/usage_201904.html

Top 10 of 96 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 21913 20.97% 3148 39.34% /webalizer/default.html
2 1818 1.74% 1794 22.42% /webalizer/usage_201909.html
3 1287 1.23% 1060 13.25% /webalizer/usage_201808.html
4 34650 33.16% 459 5.74% /
5 426 0.41% 308 3.85% /webalizer/usage_201912.html
6 549 0.53% 216 2.70% /Includefiles/opslaan.asp
7 117 0.11% 68 0.85% /Frontoffice/wijnen2.asp
8 72 0.07% 57 0.71% /frontoffice/wijnen2.asp
9 73 0.07% 54 0.67% /frontoffice/wijnen4.asp
10 5426 5.19% 36 0.45% /webalizer/usage_201903.html

Top 10 of 97 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 21913 20.97% 3152 39.37% /webalizer/default.html
2 1818 1.74% 1789 22.34% /webalizer/usage_201909.html
3 1287 1.23% 1060 13.24% /webalizer/usage_201808.html
4 34650 33.16% 356 4.45% /
5 426 0.41% 307 3.83% /webalizer/usage_201912.html
6 549 0.53% 220 2.75% /Includefiles/opslaan.asp
7 117 0.11% 74 0.92% /Frontoffice/wijnen2.asp
8 72 0.07% 52 0.65% /frontoffice/wijnen2.asp
9 73 0.07% 50 0.62% /frontoffice/wijnen4.asp
10 55 0.05% 42 0.52% /webalizer/usage_201907.html

Top 30 of 4514 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 30354 29.05% 0 0.00% 4180 0.25% 3 0.04%
2 9581 9.17% 9576 13.44% 6424 0.39% 11 0.13%
3 5060 4.84% 5060 7.10% 3523 0.21% 16 0.19%
4 3902 3.73% 3902 5.47% 2625 0.16% 1 0.01%
5 3902 3.73% 3902 5.47% 2625 0.16% 1 0.01%
6 3902 3.73% 3902 5.47% 2625 0.16% 1 0.01%
7 3902 3.73% 3902 5.47% 2625 0.16% 1 0.01%
8 3901 3.73% 3901 5.47% 2625 0.16% 1 0.01%
9 2075 1.99% 2075 2.91% 260224 15.62% 7 0.08%
10 1203 1.15% 1203 1.69% 147648 8.86% 1 0.01%
11 1057 1.01% 1057 1.48% 132558 7.96% 1 0.01%
12 948 0.91% 948 1.33% 118827 7.13% 4 0.05%
13 437 0.42% 437 0.61% 53634 3.22% 1 0.01%
14 410 0.39% 410 0.58% 51418 3.09% 1 0.01%
15 368 0.35% 2 0.00% 72 0.00% 2 0.02%
16 339 0.32% 339 0.48% 42351 2.54% 2 0.02%
17 328 0.31% 328 0.46% 36169 2.17% 3 0.04%
18 289 0.28% 289 0.41% 3034 0.18% 5 0.06%
19 262 0.25% 227 0.32% 676 0.04% 1 0.01%
20 190 0.18% 190 0.27% 1998 0.12% 5 0.06%
21 173 0.17% 173 0.24% 21696 1.30% 1 0.01%
22 162 0.16% 162 0.23% 1701 0.10% 4 0.05%
23 161 0.15% 116 0.16% 5611 0.34% 101 1.20%
24 142 0.14% 142 0.20% 5958 0.36% 19 0.23%
25 135 0.13% 135 0.19% 1420 0.09% 4 0.05%
26 129 0.12% 129 0.18% 1357 0.08% 1 0.01%
27 126 0.12% 126 0.18% 1325 0.08% 2 0.02%
28 126 0.12% 126 0.18% 963 0.06% 9 0.11%
29 117 0.11% 117 0.16% 1231 0.07% 2 0.02%
30 115 0.11% 115 0.16% 1207 0.07% 3 0.04%

Top 10 of 4514 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2075 1.99% 2075 2.91% 260224 15.62% 7 0.08%
2 1203 1.15% 1203 1.69% 147648 8.86% 1 0.01%
3 1057 1.01% 1057 1.48% 132558 7.96% 1 0.01%
4 948 0.91% 948 1.33% 118827 7.13% 4 0.05%
5 437 0.42% 437 0.61% 53634 3.22% 1 0.01%
6 410 0.39% 410 0.58% 51418 3.09% 1 0.01%
7 339 0.32% 339 0.48% 42351 2.54% 2 0.02%
8 328 0.31% 328 0.46% 36169 2.17% 3 0.04%
9 173 0.17% 173 0.24% 21696 1.30% 1 0.01%
10 109 0.10% 109 0.15% 9658 0.58% 47 0.56%

Top 30 of 2111 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 12217 11.69%
2 9236 8.84%
3 8933 8.55%
4 3902 3.73%
5 3902 3.73%
6 3902 3.73%
7 3902 3.73%
8 3901 3.73%
9 3741 3.58%
10 1640 1.57%
11 1382 1.32%
12 1374 1.32%
13 1369 1.31%
14 1368 1.31%
15 1366 1.31%
16 1361 1.30%
17 1357 1.30% https://xn-----7kcbhqdofimspdifbr4b7k8bhn3dj.xn--p1ai
18 1319 1.26%
19 1081 1.03%
20 584 0.56%
21 574 0.55%
22 574 0.55%
23 565 0.54%
24 563 0.54%
25 561 0.54%
26 560 0.54%
27 560 0.54%
28 559 0.54%
29 559 0.54%
30 557 0.53%

Top 15 of 502 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 21626 20.70% Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1)
2 19509 18.67% Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.0.3705;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+Media+Center+PC+4.0)
3 5389 5.16% Steroids+for+Sale+
4 1770 1.69% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+WOW64;+rv:45.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/45.0
5 991 0.95% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MJ12bot/v1.4.8;+
6 741 0.71% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/66.0.3359.181+Safari/537.36+Kinza/4.7.2
7 738 0.71% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/67.0.3396.79+Safari/537.36
8 738 0.71% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/67.0.3396.87+Safari/537.36+OPR/54.0.2952.54
9 726 0.69% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/68.0.3440.106+Safari/537.36+Kinza/4.9.1
10 720 0.69% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/67.0.3396.87+Safari/537.36+OPR/54.0.2952.71
11 717 0.69% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/68.0.3440.84+Safari/537.36
12 716 0.69% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.3;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/67.0.3396.99+Safari/537.36
13 713 0.68% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/68.0.3440.106+Safari/537.36
14 709 0.68% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.3;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/68.0.3440.106+Safari/537.36
15 705 0.67% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/66.0.3359.170+Safari/537.36+OPR/53.0.2907.68

Usage by Country for January 2020

Top 30 of 81 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 53988 51.67% 23258 32.63% 1122955 67.41% Unresolved/Unknown
2 25022 23.95% 23793 33.38% 223196 13.40% US Commercial
3 16867 16.14% 16834 23.62% 219653 13.18% Russian Federation
4 2947 2.82% 2134 2.99% 23166 1.39% Network
5 1086 1.04% 926 1.30% 7468 0.45% Germany
6 629 0.60% 576 0.81% 6461 0.39% Netherlands
7 619 0.59% 611 0.86% 6993 0.42% Brazil
8 326 0.31% 322 0.45% 4005 0.24% France
9 193 0.18% 192 0.27% 2010 0.12% Italy
10 191 0.18% 191 0.27% 2236 0.13% Ukraine
11 178 0.17% 174 0.24% 2993 0.18% Belgium
12 154 0.15% 154 0.22% 10244 0.61% Thailand
13 150 0.14% 138 0.19% 4636 0.28% Non-Profit Organization
14 148 0.14% 148 0.21% 1556 0.09% Turkey
15 126 0.12% 126 0.18% 1525 0.09% Poland
16 125 0.12% 125 0.18% 1315 0.08% US Educational
17 123 0.12% 122 0.17% 2689 0.16% Romania
18 116 0.11% 116 0.16% 1218 0.07% Colombia
19 112 0.11% 92 0.13% 970 0.06% Mexico
20 108 0.10% 108 0.15% 1251 0.08% Belarus
21 107 0.10% 107 0.15% 1114 0.07% Viet Nam
22 104 0.10% 65 0.09% 694 0.04% Japan
23 75 0.07% 55 0.08% 571 0.03% Czech Republic
24 64 0.06% 64 0.09% 778 0.05% Hungary
25 64 0.06% 64 0.09% 691 0.04% United Kingdom
26 61 0.06% 61 0.09% 756 0.05% Indonesia
27 58 0.06% 38 0.05% 404 0.02% China
28 56 0.05% 56 0.08% 589 0.04% Luxembourg
29 56 0.05% 56 0.08% 589 0.04% Pakistan
30 41 0.04% 41 0.06% 2161 0.13% Argentina

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01